Aasha Arrives at In-Sync

The USDA contacted In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center about taking Aasha because of their reputation for helping cats with the most serious problems. Aasha had already been moved from place to place in the first four months of her life and after each move her condition became worse.

By the time Aasha got to In-Sync she was almost completely bald. She was covered in ringworm, with swollen and inflamed paws and the skin on her belly was raw, red and cracking. For four weeks, the keepers at In-Sync bathed Aasha in medicated shampoo daily and dipped her in a solution to treat the infection and kill the spores. In addition, she was given two different oral medicines to help soothe and clear up her skin.

— at In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center