Commercial Breeding and Trafficking in Tigers

A tiger with the uses of parts of its body labelled

Trade in Tiger Parts
Live adult tiger can be purchased for $200, their parts are worth $10,000. A tiger is worth more dead than alive.

Europe’s Second-Class Tigers
Revealing the out-of-control captive tiger numbers and commercial trade. (FOUR PAWS)

Europe Circus Bans
Bans or restrictions on the keeping of animals in circuses. (FOUR PAWS)

Facilities That Keep Asian Big Cats in South Africa
South Africa’s lax and unregulated approach. (Ban Animal Trading and EMS Foundation)

The Vicious Cycle
A review of the exploitation of South Africa’s captive big cats & its people. (FOUR PAWS)

Alarming Welfare Concerns at Lion “Cub-Petting” Facilities
New research reveals the practice has negative consequences for big cats. (FOUR PAWS)

The Tiger Temple Report
The illegal International trade of tigers and other protected species at the Tiger Temple, in Thailand. (Cee4life – Sybelle Foxcroft)

Hidden in Plain Sight
China’s Clandestine Tiger Trade. Includes breeding time line. (Environmental Investigation Agency)

Tiger Farming Time Line
Where are the captive tigers coming from? (Environmental Investigation Agency)

Skin and Bones
Tiger Trafficking Analysis from January 2000–June 2022 (TRAFFIC)