It is legal to own and breed foxes in Indiana. In three separate rescues Exotic Feline Rescue Center (ERFC) was asked to take in foxes from different private owners. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) permits and inspects these owners and when living conditions fell below accepted standards their permits were revoked and the DNR removed the animals and asked EFRC to take them.
The first non-cat species to make their home at EFRC, and with the help and exceptional support of their staff, they fit right in. More social than the big cats, they have been successfully introduced to each other and are very happy to have friends.
The fourth rescue is a fox named Archie who also came from a private owner Indiana. This time Archie’s owner contacted EFRC directly, yet another case of a fox owner unable to care for him and asked for help.
Archie a two-year-old male Arctic Fox, unfortunately arrived with a right ear canal problem. He is scheduled to have surgery shortly. In time he will be introduced into the EFRC fox family.
Tigers in America® was happy to provide financial assistance for Archie’s surgery. TIA and Archie would like to thank our donors who made all this possible.