WildCat Ridge was contacted by the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Wildlife Rescue Centre (LUHSWRC) regarding three Savannah cats. These cats were confiscated from an individual involved in the illegal breeding of servals, hybrids, and domestic cats. After a two-year legal battle, the cats were seized in 2023 and temporarily housed in a local shelter. Due to strict regulations in Lithuania and across many European Union countries, it is illegal to keep wild cats as pets. LUHSWRC was left with three difficult choices for the cats: 1. Utilize them for scientific purposes 2. Euthanize them or 3. Transfer them to a suitable facility for long-term care. The rescue center quickly dismissed options one and two and began their search for a new home for the hybrids. Unfortunately, no sanctuary or rescue facility in Europe was able to accommodate them, prompting LUHSWRC to broaden their search to the United States. When they contacted Wildcat Ridge, who offered these special cats a forever home in Oregon. After navigating logistics and securing permits, the cats began their long journey to the U.S.
Savannah cats are hybrids, the product of commercial cat breeding operations that pair a serval with a domestic cat for the sole purpose of selling an exotic cat with unique markings. They have no conservation value, they would not survive in the wild; they are just high priced novelties often abandoned by their new owners when their wild instincts and care requirements become more than they can handle.

As Avataras, Bondas, and Bagira arrived their soft mews and occasional chirps (a unique vocalization of Savannah cats) indicated they were ready to explore their new surroundings. Following health checks and a quarantine period, Bondas and Bagira, a bonded pair, have moved into an enclosure with 4 roommates. Avataras is thriving in an enclosure where he has neighbors but also a space that is all his own.
Tigers in America® was happy to provide financial assistance to get the Savannah cats home. TIA and the Savannah cats would like to thank our donors who made this possible.