
Categorized as Christian, Max, and Kizmet

Kizmet is lively and sociable. She is also your basic prom queen—in a good way. Seeing her flirt with a giant stuffed tiger the Carolina keepers brought by as enrichment was hilarious. She and Christian are littermates and their survival is probably due not only to the care they received from their keepers in Texas Read more

Part of the Group

Categorized as Christian, Max, and Kizmet

While they lived in Texas the keepers who cared for them called Max a perimeter male, a tiger who was tolerated but not included in the give-and-take of the original littermates. At Carolina Tiger Rescue, Max was put into an enclosure immediately adjoining that of Christian and Kizmet. After months of observing friendly interactions among Read more


Categorized as Aasha and Smuggler

Now Aasha and Smuggler live together in (mostly) harmony. If there is a discussion, Aasha wins.

Smuggler was a little over a year old when Aasha arrived. His gentle temperament made him a candidate for living with Aasha. Tigers are often more content if they have company in captivity, but the process of finding the right companion is time-consuming and the keepers must be very watchful, observing all behaviors and any Read more